As I reminisced, DH and The Roomie and I began to think about what kind of Barbie would be a big seller with the baby boomer generation now:
HotFlash Barbie
Bifocal Barbie
Insomniac Barbie
Mood Swing Barbie
Depends Barbie
Forgetful Barbie
Osteoporosis Barbie--comes with her own cane
Plantar fasciitis Barbie--she's traded in her high heels for "sensible" shoes with orthotic inserts
Plastic Surgery Barbie--turn a tiny hidden crank and watch her features tighten
Sun-damaged Barbie--the older version of Mailbu Barbie. Comes with a special light to reveal all the sun damage from those years on the beach
And now, Barbie’s in the news again. The other day, I was
walking by the

Uh, yeah.
The Cosmopolitan web site (we at Terribly Shy are very particular about our sources) reports that “Mattel has released a doll based on a character from the Black Canary comic book, clad in leather, fishnet stockings and thigh-high boots [Ed. note: Those aren't thigh-high.]. The doll, to be released in September, has outraged Christian groups, who have dubbed the toy ‘S&M Barbie’." Hey, we hadn’t thought of that one!
The group Christian Voice said, "Barbie has always been on the tarty side and this is taking it too far." They're probably right, but I like that word, "tarty." I actually found the word "tarty" in my Merriam-Webster, and it means exactly what you think it means.
So now, we have more ideas for the iconic Mattel toy:
Tarty Barbie
Trashy Barbie
Slutty Barbie
Dominatrix Barbie
And some people think our vintage dolls damaged our self-image . . .
“Barbie tends to reflect what’s going on in society,” mused DH.
Well, that’s encouraging. We’re all going to be pole dancers soon.
Since in addition to being The Roomie, I am also "The Queen of Google," you knew I'd have to explore this even further. Seems like this is just one more in a line of Collector Barbies of questionable taste. Seems there was a "Happy Family" Barbie. She had a very pregnant belly that could be attached by a magnet. Then there is "The Birds" Barbie a la Alfred Hitchcock. Yep, she looks like Tippi Heddren complete with plastic birds attacking. Check it out on eBay. What a strange world we live in!
I will fight you for that title! Kudos for the research and the brainstorming.
Great post! I always knew Barbie was a hussy!
Oh, yeah--and an old hussy at that!
The Fred better not ask for one this Christmas!
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