Friday, July 18, 2008

Trashy Barbie

For one of her birthday presents this year, The Fred received her first Barbie doll, a magical Mariposa Barbie. Seeing The Fred's reaction brought back pleasant memories of when I was a little girl with my Barbie dolls. I remember having a Guinevere dress and a black-and-white swimsuit for my Barbie. That was a long time ago.

As I reminisced, DH and The Roomie and I began to think about what kind of Barbie would be a big seller with the baby boomer generation now:

HotFlash Barbie
Bifocal Barbie
Insomniac Barbie
Mood Swing Barbie
Depends Barbie
Forgetful Barbie
Osteoporosis Barbie
--comes with her own cane
Plantar fasciitis Barbie--she's traded in her high heels for "sensible" shoes with orthotic inserts
Plastic Surgery Barbie--turn a tiny hidden crank and watch her features tighten
Sun-damaged Barbie--the older version of Mailbu Barbie. Comes with a special light to reveal all the sun damage from those years on the beach

And now, Barbie’s in the news again. The other day, I was
walking by the Giant Television when a disturbing image popped up onto the screen. I saw what appeared to be a Barbie doll, dressed in a leather jacket with fishnet stockings and very little else. One of the so-called news channels was reporting that the doll was based on a comic book character and that religious groups were upset.

Uh, yeah.

The Cosmopolitan web site (we at Terribly Shy are very particular about our sources) reports that “Mattel has released a doll based on a character from the Black Canary comic book, clad in leather, fishnet stockings and thigh-high boots [Ed. note: Those aren't thigh-high.]. The doll, to be released in September, has outraged Christian groups, who have dubbed the toy ‘S&M Barbie’." Hey, we hadn’t thought of that one!

The group Christian Voice said, "Barbie has always been on the tarty side and this is taking it too far." They're probably right, but I like that word, "tarty." I actually found the word "tarty" in my Merriam-Webster, and it means exactly what you think it means.

So now, we have more ideas for the iconic Mattel toy:

Tarty Barbie
Trashy Barbie
Slutty Barbie
Dominatrix Barbie

And some people think our vintage dolls damaged our self-image . . .

“Barbie tends to reflect what’s going on in society,” mused DH.

Well, that’s encouraging. We’re all going to be pole dancers soon.


Anonymous said...

Since in addition to being The Roomie, I am also "The Queen of Google," you knew I'd have to explore this even further. Seems like this is just one more in a line of Collector Barbies of questionable taste. Seems there was a "Happy Family" Barbie. She had a very pregnant belly that could be attached by a magnet. Then there is "The Birds" Barbie a la Alfred Hitchcock. Yep, she looks like Tippi Heddren complete with plastic birds attacking. Check it out on eBay. What a strange world we live in!

TS said...

I will fight you for that title! Kudos for the research and the brainstorming.

Lady R (Di) said...

Great post! I always knew Barbie was a hussy!

TS said...

Oh, yeah--and an old hussy at that!

MommaDrool said...

The Fred better not ask for one this Christmas!