(Have I mentioned how much we love parking passes? DH actually took me to a football game once, and I'm convinced that it was the parking pass--and not the box seats--that lured him into taking me to the game.)
We had fun meeting and talking with the grad students and with Dr. Grandjean--they were great. Our physician, Dr. M, was there, too. I did my lung function tests before DH, and he said that when he saw me post-testing, he got a little worried about what was coming up for him. I don't have big lungs like he does, but I like to make good grades, so I tried really, really hard; DH said I kinda looked like I might pass out afterward.
DH is still glowing about his lung function, but I don't know why he was so pleasantly surprised. The man can stay underwater longer than anyone I've ever seen. He floats around forever face down, and the grandkids and I have long stopped worrying about whether he was drowning or not. It's ridiculous.
And now for my favorite part--after the blood work, we got bagels and juice; and, since one of the students was having a birthday, I got a piece of birthday cake, which is just about my favorite thing ever. Very generous of her.
Dr. M noted that I had a funny-looking ECG. I don't think that's the exact medical term, but I think I usually have a funny-looking one. DH decided that it was time to start getting phone numbers from other females, but I think his concerns about my pending demise are greatly exaggerated.
We got the body composition and bone density results immediately--all mine were good, even the bone density, which was a great improvement over my first test. We both got to Level Three on the treadmill, which was very good, and we'll be receiving a big fat report with exercise recommendations.
Speaking of exercise, I noticed this on the web site: "TigerFit provides these comprehensive tests for anyone interested in starting a safe and effective exercise program."
Maybe even for anyone who isn't. One of the grad students told me, "Your husband put "I HATE EXERCISE" on his form. "How would he know?" I replied. "Theoretically, he hates exercise?" Dr. M agreed: "He hates it in principle."
Did you happen to mention to them that we took "PE fundamentals for the atypical," when we were freshmen? I'm not sure how we managed to get into that, but it sounded much easier than regular PE at the time! I'm with DH--I hate exercise in principle and in practice!
Was that a real course?? I deny having any memory of that. The experience must have been so distasteful that I've buried it in my unconscious (subconscious?) mind.
On the other hand, I vividly remember having to go to a 7:30 AM freshman biology class. Also the green hippie bedspreads.
I remember that 7:30 class--or rather I remember you getting up for that class. I was never that ambitious (or foolish :P.) Where did we get those bedspreads? They looked so lovely on those beds with the gray metal headboards.
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