As our regular readers know, Terribly Shy is very concerned about your privacy. We neither know nor care who you are or why you're wasting perfectly good time here when you could be wasting time on Facebook.
Nonetheless, we do know in the aggregate where our readers hail from. For example, I can stay informed on how many people from Tasmania visited the site in May (none). However, you may be surprised at--or more likely indifferent to--all the cities around the world that yield visitors. (Even more astounding is the miniscule amount of time they spend when they are here--but no matter! We are selling absolutely nothing!)
So, this month, we begin a salute to the cities from whence comes our so-called traffic. First up: Fargo, North Dakota.
With a metro population of 195,000 (including West Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota), Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota. My favorite thing about Fargo is the award-winning 1996 movie that bears its name, a "homespun murder story" from the Coen Brothers.
Money magazine has ranked the city among its favorites for livability in the 1990's and early 2000's, because it has a great economy and a low unemployment rate.
For culture, you can enjoy events at the The Fargo Theatre, a restored 1926 Art Deco movie house, or see a Broadway musical or a dance performance at the Fargodome.
Wikipedia says that, during the 1800's, Fargo had such lenient divorce laws that it was known as the "Divorce Capital of the Midwest." Really? Well, maybe what happens in Fargo . . . well, you know.
Well, since I'm supposedly a misplaced Michiganer--or is that Michiganian?--I'll expect to see a salute to Detroit or Flynt or Lansing or Ann Arbor or some obscure town of your choice. that the card I sent you? Maybe..??
Oh, and FM symphony and various events at the tri-colleges are great, too!
Why, yes, that is your card! It resides on our refrigerator now.
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