We are actually harvesting tomatoes this year! We have a nice selection of heirloom tomatoes, and since we're new to those, we're really enjoying the variety of shapes, colors and tastes.
I'm not sure about the average cost per tomato, but there are some things you don't want to know.
Speaking of things you don't want to know, yesterday I was on the phone with Pappy, telling him that I'd been nibbling on a piece of Hummingbird Cake for my birthday. I overheard Mommadrool howling in the background--she had looked up the recipe on the Internet and was reading the fat and caloric numbers. "Please," I said, "don't tell me--I'm beggin' ya!" Legend of the Hummingbird cake
I don't want to know.
Anyway, the above photo shows the three tomatoes we're harvesting right now. So far, we've had bunches of Galina's (a sweet yellow cherry tomato), half a dozen Purple Haze, (bigger than a cherry tomato and quite tasty), and three or four Big Beef tomatoes, great for slicing. Keep your fingers crossed for Cherokee Purple. I'm so excited to try it, but our early ones have all had a bad case of blossom end rot, so I've been spraying the plants for that. Hopefully the others on the vine won't be spoiled. Kellogg's Breakfast looks promising, with really large fruit, and I can't remember all the others that are out there.
In the herb department, I think we have enough basil to supply the entire Southeastern U.S. We'll keep taking pictures as the summer progresses!
You've actually got tomatoes--I'm so jealous. By the way, everyone knows that the calories in Hummingbird cake don't count when it's birthday cake!
Otay, then! Break out the cake!
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