Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hugh Jackman Live

DH: Now, why did you record this Jimmy Fallon show?
TS: Because Hugh Jackman's on it. Let's watch it and then we can delete it.
Jimmy Fallon: You can see Hugh Jackman / Back on Broadway . . .
DH: We'll be there.
TS (reading): What?
DH: We'll be there those dates in December.
TS: WHAT? What theater? Do they have matinees?
DH: I'm sure you can Google it--
TS: OMG! It's a block from our hotel!
DH: Well, now, that won't leave us much time to goof around . . .
TS: Got 'em!! I'm going to see Hugh Jackman Live!!
DH: Hmmph.


Anonymous said...

What an exciting life you live in quiet Montgomery. We loved reading about the suspect Wal-Mart encounter, and enjoyed the pictures of an obviously fun day with the kids. . . . but still more to come in December! It's great to have back blogging along. P&C from Atlanta

TS said...

Hey, guys! It's so nice to hear from you! Hope all is well in the big city. I'll try to do better about the blogging.


blogcommenting said...

information is just amazing i like ur post and book marked ur site
