Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gator Head

It's great to be back on the blog! My business has been thriving the last few months, which is wonderful, but that means that I've been more or less connected to my Macbook 7 days a week, and my left index finger and my right thumb started to complain a couple of weeks ago. As I chose my keyboarding carefully, the blog had to go for a while, but I am blessed with work!

When we last left the koi pond, a large bird was threatening the fish population. A new casualty turned up almost every day for a week, culminating in the discovery of one of our 9-year-old koi floating one morning. We had not yet run out of ideas to combat the great blue heron, however, and our latest weapon in the arsenal was on its way.

Last weekend, when we were in the midst of a visit with Pappy, Mommadrool, The Fred and StickiBunScotti, a box arrived at our front door. As DH and I played with the kids and Mommadrool showed us Zoo Boo photos, Pappy announced, "I want to unpack the Gator Head."

Three generations of men excitedly assembled the floating decoy, which has glaring eyes that will--we hope--follow our friend the heron until he, being easily spooked, flaps his magnificent wings and leaves the premises.

Gator Head was a big hit with SBS, who pointed at the new addition to the pond and babbled enthusiastically in complete sentences of some description.

We're not sure if this latest measure will help. Actually, I haven't seen the bird in the last couple of weeks, but winter is his big season around here, and we don't want to lose any more fish and hope Gator Head will do the trick.

Pappy added helpfully, "It'll probably scare the fish."


MommaDrool said...

Who knew that a fake gator head could bring such excitement?! Those boys make me laugh!

TS said...

They're such a hoot. The koi aren't scared after all--the other day I saw one knock Gator Head out of the way to get to some food.

He kinda scares me, though . . .